About skybur.io


skybur.io is a custom domain for hosting my portfolio of web & software development projects. The site you see here was built with a customized template offered by the amazing HTML5UP team. My domain is managed through Google Domains and the web hosting is powered by a DigitalOcean droplet running Ubuntu 20.04. On the droplet I have Nginx acting as a server for my portfolio site, the Ambix services, and the MyColl services.

Tools: nginx, pm2, certbot, gunicorn, node, express, ssh
Services: DigitalOcean Droplets, Google Domains

challenges and successes

Setting up an Nginx server to respond to requests for five different projects within the same DigitalOcean Droplet using server blocks
Generating SSL certificates for each domain/sub-domain linked to skybur.io with Certbot
Creating and managing DNS Resource Records for 5 domains through Google Domains
Learning to navigate VS Code's Remote - SSH extension to perform development within the DigitalOcean droplet