About pynterest


Pynterest was a team collaboration with Tammy Do, and Joshua Ho as the final project for our Python course at Code Fellows. The service aggregates news, projects, repositories, and humor regarding the Python programming language. The frontend of Pynterest is a responsive web application built with React. The asynchronous backend API server was written in Python using aiohttp and aggregates 8 resources from GitHub, the Python Package Index (PyPI), and Reddit.

Deployed Site: https://pynterest.firebaseapp.com/
GitHub Repos: https://github.com/pynterest/

Tools: aiohttp, asyncio, feedparser, uvloop, pytest, flask, node, react
Services: CircleCI, Heroku, Firebase
APIs: GitHub REST API, Reddit JSON Rendering, PyPI API

challenges and successes

Building an asynchronous backend server for lightning-fast aggregation
Creating a synchronous clone of our API with Flask to demonstrate the time-savings of our asynchronous build
Implementing Continuous Integration with CircleCI, GitHub, and Heroku
Composing unit tests with pytest